Monthly Update - Product, First Video Podcast, and a Brand New Blog

A Dreamwell monthly update with our latest influencer marketing tips and guides, our first video podcast episode, and a brand new blog experience!

Monthly Update - Product, First Video Podcast, and a Brand New Blog
Photo by Wesley Tingey / Unsplash

How's your influencer marketing game shaping up? Making connections that count? As we move into summer, we want to make sure you're equipped with all the insights and strategies you need to level up your influencer marketing efforts.

To make it easier for you to stay on top of the latest trends and best practices, we're excited to announce that we have just launched our new blog. It's sleeker, faster, searchable, and packed with even more actionable insights! Check it out here.

Now, let's dive into what we've been up to last month.

Blogs 📚

In May, we've explored a wide range of topics on our blog. We were especially excited to share some learnings from our customer, problem, and solution discovery process.

  1. The Definitive Guide to Reaching Out to Influencers as a Brand - Dive into our comprehensive guide on building meaningful relationships with influencers and boosting your brand's visibility.
  2. Create an Effective Influencer Marketing Strategy - Get the keys to crafting an effective influencer marketing strategy to reach your target audience, boost brand awareness, and increase sales.
  3. How YouTube Influencer Marketing Can Help Your Business Grow - See how YouTube influencer marketing can supercharge your business.
  4. Discover the Benefits of Influencer Marketing - We explain the benefits of influencer marketing and provide tips on choosing the right influencers for your brand.
  5. Exploring the Different Types of Influencer Marketing - Learn about the various types of influencer marketing, deal structures, and strategic approaches to maximize your campaigns.
  6. Unlock the Power of LinkedIn Influencer Marketing - Explore how to boost your brand's visibility and reach with LinkedIn influencer marketing.
  7. Influencer Prospecting Analysis - Take a deep-dive into our influencer prospecting analysis for brands like Kicking Horse Coffee, Everly, Daydream, Rival Boxing, Toadfish, and Hennessy Hammock.

Binge on our blog articles and power up your influencer marketing game! 🧠⚡️ Check out the blog.

Podcasts 🎙️

We've had some insightful discussions on our Startup Journey Podcast this May:

  1. Dreamwell Coders Turned Marketers?! Bobsin and Xin Talk Business - EP9 - In the first video episode, Bobsin and Xin, our product builders, share their experiences transitioning to marketing and sales roles, and discuss the future of AI.
  2. Should the Customer Tell you what to Build? - EP10 - We share our learnings on balancing product intuition with customer feedback, a critical aspect of startup versatility.

Get your headphones ready and tune in for an authentic startup journey!

🎧 Listen to the Podcast

Product Updates 🚀

This was an inspiring month for product releases at Dreamwell. Our team has been working tirelessly to bring you the tools you need to supercharge your influencer marketing campaigns.

Influencer Prospecting: We're proud to announce that our Influencer Prospecting tool has been released to our early access users. This tool leverages advanced AI technology to help you identify and connect with the perfect influencers for your brand.

Pricing Tools: To help you navigate the complex world of influencer pricing, we've released our Pricing Tools. This includes a suite of tools that allow you to benchmark your influencer pricing against market standards, ensuring that you always get the best value for your investment.

Dreamwell Pixel: The Dreamwell Pixel has also been launched for early access users. This tool helps you track your influencer marketing campaigns, providing you with the insights you need to continuously improve your strategy.

While we're excited about these releases, we're not stopping here. Our team continues to work on building out the rest of our product suite. So stay tuned for more updates and tools that will take your influencer marketing to new heights.

Don't forget, you can check out our new pricing page for a overview of the complete platform we're building. And if you're interested in our early access offers (which include a discount for being awesome and taking a chance on us), be sure to reach out to us. We'd love to hear from you!

Stay ahead of the curve with Dreamwell. Let's make influencer marketing magic together. 🌟