Dreamwell Privacy-Friendly Brief

We take customer-privacy very seriously at Dreamwell, learn about our industry leading methods here.

At Dreamwell, we leverage advanced user tracking methods in an extremely privacy-friendly way. With the way the industry is heading - no more cookies and reduced reliance on personally-identifiable information (PII) - we ensured that our tracking methods are at the forefront. This keeps us best serving the brands on our platform while keeping their customers safe from intrusive tracking methods.

The Dreamwell Pixel does not rely on any cookies and does not store any personally-identifiable information (eg. email, names, address). What we do store is anonymized user behaviour to help calculate conversion rates for your influencer marketing campaigns.

We find that our privacy requirements are already covered in most brand’s existing privacy policies so no updates are required, but if you have any questions feel free to reach out to us through our support email.