Dreamwell: Influencer Prospecting Analysis
For the first edition of our Influencer Prospecting series, we're getting meta! We run our own website through Dreamwell's onboarding process that uses AI to recommend YouTube channels that align with our brand.
Hey there! Welcome to our influencer prospecting series at Dreamwell, an influencer marketing SaaS platform. In this first edition, we're taking a meta approach and finding influencers to sponsor for our own brand, Dreamwell. Our AI-powered platform has analyzed our website and generated YouTube channel recommendations based on our content. Let's dive in!
Brand Description
Dreamwell is a cutting-edge AI-powered marketing platform that offers predictive analytics, dynamic landing pages, and ROI tracking and optimization. Our goal is to empower businesses - like Shopify brands - with data-driven insights to drive successful influencer marketing campaigns.
Our goal is to empower businesses - like Shopify brands - with data-driven insights to drive successful influencer marketing campaigns.
Dreamwell Onboarding
At Dreamwell, we eat our own dog food! Our onboarding process is as simple as inputting our brand's website URL, and our AI automatically analyzes our website and recommends YouTube channels based on our brand's keywords. This helps us identify potential influencer partners who align with our brand values and target audience.

YouTube Channel Recommendations:
Based on our brand's website keywords, Dreamwell has recommended the following YouTube channels for us to consider:
- Wes McDowell: With 214,000 subscribers and an average of 5,010 views per video, Wes McDowell's YouTube channel focuses on all types of digital marketing channels. His content is highly engaging and aligns with our brand's expertise, making him a potential valuable partnership opportunity for us.
- Influencity · Influencer Marketing: Influencity's YouTube channel has 1,000 subscribers and an average of 140 views per video. Their content revolves around influencer marketing, and collaborating with them could be a great opportunity to share knowledge and insights with our audience. Despite having a smaller following, our algorithms were able to identify them as a valuable partnership due to their well-targeted audience.
- Jordan Platten Extra: Jordan Platten Extra's YouTube channel focuses on educating agencies on marketing and has 13,300 subscribers with an impressive average of 10,698 views per video. Collaborating with him could be a great opportunity to tap into many marketing agencies that could leverage the Dreamwell product for their customers.
- Sidewalker Daily: Sidewalker Daily's YouTube channel has 28,700 subscribers and an average of 330 views per video. Their content revolves around influencer marketing, but targeted towards influencers. Partnering with them could be a great way to engage the influencer and content creator side of our customer base.
Despite having a smaller following, our algorithms were able to identify them as a valuable partnership due to their well-targeted audience.
And there you have it! Our influencer prospecting analysis for Dreamwell using Dreamwell's onboarding process. As a brand that specializes in AI-powered marketing and influencer marketing, we're excited to explore potential collaborations with YouTube channels such as Wes McDowell, Influencity, Jordan Platten Extra, and Sidewalker Daily, whose content aligns with our brand's expertise and values.
The Dreamwell platform doesn’t end here! For next steps, I would add some of these creators to my watchlist so that I can access detailed insights. Once Dreamwell data gives me enough confidence that I’ll receive a good return, I’ll launch the campaign, measure the results, and optimize for conversion all within the Dreamwell product suite!

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