How to Use Content Keywords

Optimize your prospecting abilities with content keywords.

Content keywords serve as a powerful tool to optimize your influencer discovery process on Dreamwell. Essentially, these keywords are generated by our AI analyzing your brand's website, finding key themes and terms that resonate with your target audience. Here's how to use these content keywords to your advantage:

Discover New Influencers

The main purpose of content keywords is to help you discover new influencers to sponsor. Our platform uses these keywords to scrape YouTube, finding channels that have related content. This introduces you to a whole range of potential influencers that you might not have discovered otherwise.

For instance, if one of your content keywords is "organic skincare," our AI will look for YouTube channels that feature content around this topic. This could include influencers who review organic skincare products, give tutorials using them, or discuss the benefits of organic skincare.

Click through any of these influencers to view the creator profile page. Those analytics provide a more in-depth look at the influencer's channel, including audience demographics, engagement rates, and past content performance. This data allows you to make an informed decision about whether the influencer is a good fit for your brand and can help generate a high return on investment for your campaigns.

Mark Prospects and Launch Deals

Once the AI has generated a list of recommended channels related to your content keywords, you can add any interesting channels to your prospects. Adding a channel as a prospect allows you to launch brand deals with them. Simply click "Create Brand Deal" and follow the steps in the modal.

Get New Keywords

After a while of prospecting, you may find that the recommended channels are less than previously. In this case, you can click the button to get new keywords from your dashboard so that our platform will be able to seed more prospect recommendations for you.

Develop Targeted Campaigns

The content keywords can also guide the development of your influencer marketing campaigns. The keywords represent topics that resonate with your audience, so they should inform the type of content you want influencers to create. Sharing these keywords with influencers can help them tailor their sponsored content to more effectively reach and engage your target audience.

In essence, content keywords are a vital part of optimizing your influencer marketing strategy on Dreamwell. By helping you discover new influencers, guiding your campaign development, and enabling you to request detailed analytics, content keywords allow you to find the perfect influencers to drive your brand's growth.